
Customized Claims Management System


A hassle-free, accurate and secure electronic claiming system that is easily customizable to exactly fit the business needs of service providers. Your practice needs to move beyond “maintenance” mode, look at the larger RCM picture, and gauge where you may have some revenue leaks, or areas where you may be able to capture more. Choosing the right software suite can help you unlock optimal efficiency, reduce cycle time, and eradicate waste. ASSET e-Claim solution delivers the right tools to consolidate your stream of work and accelerate your revenue cycle.


e-Claim Components


  • Data Mapping: Streamline mapping between invoicing data and the corresponding fields in the claiming system
  • Claims Auto Generation: Safe claim generation on the go with invoice submission
  • Claims Submission: Simple selection between manual or scheduled submission
  • Remittance Management: Scheduled process to receive remittance
  • Reports and Dashboard


Solution Benefits


  • Enhanced data accuracy and error free claiming by automating data mapping between providers and medical insurance systems
  • Adhere to insurance company claiming schedules
  • Accurate remittance tracking and re-submission in case of rejection
  • Full Claims tracing through graphical reports and dashboards


E-Claim connector facilitates the integration between the health service provider and medical insurance systems to submit claims, retrieve remittance status, and monitor claiming process in different stages.